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傲慢与偏见 第138章
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    “y ear lizzy, where can you have been walking to?”was a estion which elizabeth receive fro jane as soon as she entere their roo,an fro all the others when they sat own to table. she ha only to say in reply, that they ha wanere about, till she was beyon her own knowle. she coloure as she spoke; but neither that, nor anything else, awakene a suspicion of the truth.

    the evening passe ietly,unarke by anything extraorinary. the acknowle lovers talke an laughe,the unacknowle were silent. arcy was not of a isposition in which happiness overflows in irth;an elizabeth,agitate an confuse,rather knew that she was happy than felt herself to be so;for,besies the ieiate ebarrassent,there were other evils before her.she anticipate what woul be felt in the faily when her situation becae known;she was aware that no one like hi but jane;an even feare that with the others it was a islike which not all his fortune an conseence ight o away.

    at night she opene her heart to jane.though suspicion was very far fro iss bens neral hats, she was absolutely increulous here.

    “you are joking,lizzy.this cannot be!—enga to r.arcy! no,no,you shall not eceive e.i know it to be ipossible.”

    “this is a wretche beginning inee!y sole epenence was on you;an i a sure noboy else will believe e,if you o not. yet,inee,i a in earnest.i speak nothing but the truth.he still loves e,an we are enga.”

    jane looke at her oubtingly.“oh,lizzy!it cannot be.i know how uch you islike hi.”

    “you know nothing of the atter. that is all to be foot. perhaps i i not always love hi so well as i o now.but in such cases as these,a goo eory is unparonable.this is the last tie i shall ever reeber it yself.”

    iss ben still looke all aazeent. elizabeth again, an ore seriously assure her of its truth.

    “goo heaven!can it be really so!yet now i ust believe you,”crie jane.“y ear,ear lizzy,i woul—i o congratulate you—but are you certain?foive the estion—are you ite certain that you can be happy with hi?”

    “there can be no oubt of that.it is settle between us alreay, that we are to be the happiest couple in the worl.but are you please,jane?shall you like to have such a brother?”

    “very,very uch.nothing coul give either ngley or yself ore elight.but we consiere it,we talke of it as ipossible. an o you really love hi ite well enough? oh, lizzy! o anything rather than arry without affection.are you ite sure that you feel what you ought to o?”

    “oh, yes!you will only think i feel ore than i ought to o, when i tell you all.”

    “what o you ean?”

    “why,i ust confess that i love hi better than i o ngley.i a afrai you will be angry.”

    “y earest sister,now be serious.i want to talk very seriously. let e know every thing that i a to know,without elay.will you tell e how long you have love hi?”

    “it has been ing on so graually,that i harly know when it began. but i believe i ust ate it fro y first seeing his beautiful grouns at peberley.”

    another entreaty that she woul be serious,however,prouce the esire effect; an she soon satisfie jane by her solen assurances of attachent.when convince on that article,iss ben ha nothing further to wish.

    “now i a ite happy,”sai she,“for you will be as happy as yself.i always ha a value for hi.were it for nothing but his love of you, i ust always have esteee hi; but now, as ngleys frien an your husban,there can be only ngley an yourself ore ear to e.but lizzy,you have been very sly,very reserve with e. how little i you tell e of what passe at peberley an labton!i owe all that i know of it to another, not to you.”

    elizabeth tol her the otives of her secrecy. she ha been unwilling to ention ngley;an the unsettle state of her own feelings ha ae her eally avoi the nae of his frien.but now she woul no lonr conceal fro her his share in lyias arria. all was acknowle, an half the night spent in conversation.

    “goo gracious!”crie rs.ben,as she stoo at a winow the next orning,“if that isagreeable r.arcy is not ing here again with our ear ngley!what can he ean by being so tiresoe as to be always ing here?i ha no notion but he woul go a-shooting, or soething or other, an not isturb us with his pany.what shall we o with hi? lizzy, you ust walk out with hi again,that he ay not be in ngleys way.”

    elizabeth coul harly help laughing at so convenient a proposal;yet was really vexe that her other shoul be always giving hi such an epithet.

    as soon as they entere,ngley looke at her so expressively, an shook hans with such warth,as left no oubt of his goo inforation; an he soon afterwars sai alou,“rs. ben, have you no ore lanes hereabouts in which lizzy ay lose her way again to-ay?”

    “i avise r.arcy,an lizzy,an kitty,”sai rs.ben,“to walk to oakha ount this orning.it is a nice long walk,an r.arcy has never seen the view.”

    “it ay o very well for the others,”replie r.ngley;“but i a sure it will be too uch for kitty.wont it,kitty?”

    kitty owne that she ha rather stay at hoe.arcy professe a great curiosity to see the view fro the ount,an elizabeth silently consente.as she went upstairs to t reay,rs.ben followe her,saying:

    “i a ite sorry,lizzy,that you shoul be force to have that isagreeable an all to yourself, but i hope you will not in it.it is all for janes sake,you know;an there is no occasion for talking to hi,except just now an then.so,o not put yourself to inconvenience.”
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