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傲慢与偏见 第142章
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    iss ngleys congratulations to her brother,on his approaching arria,were all that was affectionate an insincere.she wrote even to jane on the occasion,to express her elight,an repeat all her forer professions of regar.jane was not eceive,but she was affecte;an though feeling no reliance on her,coul not help writing her a uch kiner answer than she knew was eserve.

    the joy which iss arcy expresse on receiving siilar inforation, was as sincere as her brothers in sening it. four sies of paper were insufficient to contain all her elight,an all her earnest esire of being love by her sister.

    before any answer coul arrive fro r. collins, or any congratulations to elizabeth fro his wife, the longbourn faily hear that the collinses were e theselves to lucas lo.the reason of this suen reoval was soon evient. lay catherine ha been renere so exceeingly angry by the contents of her nephews letter, that charlotte, really rejoicing in the atch,was anxious to t away till the stor was blown over.at such a oent, the arrival of her frien was a sincere pleasure to elizabeth,though in the course of their eetings she ust soeties think the pleasure early bought,when she saw r. arcy expose to all the paraing an obseious civility of her husban. he bore it, however, with airable calness. he coul even listen to sir willia lucas, when he pliente hi on carrying away the brightest jewel of the country, an expresse his hopes of their all eeting freently at st. jaess, with very ecent posure. if he i shrug his shoulers, it was not till sir willia was out of sight.

    rs.phillipss vulgarity was another,an perhaps,a greater tax on his forbearance; an though rs. phillips, as well as her sister,stoo in too uch awe of hi to speak with the failiarity which ngleys goo huour encoura,yet, whenever she i speak,she ust be vulgar.nor was her respect for hi,though it ae her ore iet, at all likely to ake her ore elegant. elizabeth i all she coul to shiel hi fro the freent notice of either,an was ever anxious to keep hi to herself,an to those of her faily with who he ight converse without ortification;an though the unfortable feelings arising fro all this took fro the season of courtship uch of its pleasure, it ae to the hope of the future;an she looke forwar with elight to the tie when they shoul be reove fro society so little pleasing to either,to all the fort an elegance of their faily party at peberley.

    happy for all her aternal feelings was the ay on which rs. ben got ri of her two ost eserving aughters.with what elighte prie she afterwars visite rs. ngley, an talke of rs.arcy,ay be guesse.i wish i coul say,for the sake of her faily,that the acplishent of her earnest esire in the establishent of so any of her chilren prouce so happy an effect as to ake her a sensible,aiable,well-infore woan for the rest of her life;though perhaps it was lucky for her husban, who ight not have relishe oestic felicity in so unusual a for,that she still was occasionally nervous an invariably silly.

    r. ben isse his secon aughter exceeingly; his affection for her rew hi oftener fro hoe than anything else coul o.he elighte in going to peberley,especially when he was least expecte.

    r.ngley an jane reaine at herfiel only a twelveonth. so near a vicinity to her other an eryton relations was not esirable even to his easy teper,or her affectionate heart.the arling wish of his sisters was then gratifie;he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to erbyshire,an jane an elizabeth, in aition to every other source of happiness,were within thirty iles of each other.

    kitty, to her very aterial avanta, spent the chief of her tie with her two eler sisters. in society so superior to what she ha nerally known, her iproveent was great. she was not of so ungovernable a teper as lyia;an,reove fro the influence of lyias exaple, she becae, by proper attention an anaent, less irritable, less ignorant, an less insipi. fro the further isavanta of lyias society she was of course carefully kept,an though rs.wickha freently invite her to e an stay with her,with the proise of balls an young en,her father woul never consent to her going.
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