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傲慢与偏见 第141章
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    elizabeths spirits soon rising to playfulness again,she wante r.arcy to account for his having ever fallen in love with her.“how coul you begin?”sai she.“i can prehen your going on charingly, when you ha once ae a beginning; but what coul set you off in the first place?”

    “i cannot fix on the hour,or the spot,or the look,or the wors, which lai the founation.it is too long ago.i was in the ile before i knew that i ha begun.”

    “y beauty you ha early withstoo,an as for y anners—y behaviour to you was at least always borering on the uncivil,an i never spoke to you without rather wishing to give you pain than not.now be sincere;i you aire e for y ipertinence?”

    “for the liveliness of your in,i i.”

    “you ay as well call it ipertinence at once.it was very little less.the fact is, that you were sick of civility, of eference, of officious attention.you were isguste with the woen who were always speaking,an looking,an thinking for your approbation alone. i rouse, an intereste you, because i was so unlike the. ha you not been really aiable, you woul have hate e for it;but in spite of the pains you took to isguise yourself, your feelings were always noble an just;an in your heart,you thoroughly espise the persons who so assiuously courte you.there—i have save you the trouble of accounting for it;an really, all things consiere, i begin to think it perfectly reasonable.to be sure, you knew no actual goo of e—but noboy thinks of that when they fall in love.”

    “was there no goo in your affectionate behaviour to jane while she was ill at herfiel?”

    “earest jane! who coul have one less for her? but ake a virtue of it by all eans. y goo alities are uner your protection,an you are to exagrate the as uch as possible;an,in return,it belongs to e to fin occasions for teasing an arrelling with you as often as ay be;an i shall begin irectly by asking you what ae you so unwilling to e to the point at last?what ae you so shy of e,when you first calle,an afterwars ine here?why,especially,when you calle,i you look as if you i not care about e?”

    “because you were grave an silent,an gave e no encouraent.”

    “but i was ebarrasse.”

    “an so was i.”

    “you ight have talke to e ore when you cae to inner.”

    “a an who ha felt less,ight.”

    “how unlucky that you shoul have a reasonable answer to give, an that i shoul be so reasonable as to ait it!but i woner how long you woul have gone on,if you ha been left to yourself. i woner when you woul have spoken, if i ha not aske you! y resolution of thanking you for your kinness to lyia ha certainly great effect.too uch,i a afrai;for what bees of the oral,if our fort springs fro a breach of proise?for i ought not to have entione the subject.this will never o.”

    “you nee not istress yourself.the oral will be perfectly fair. lay catherines unjustifiable eneavours to separate us were the eans of reoving all y oubts. i a not inebte for y present happiness to your ear esire of expressing your gratitue.i was not in a huour to wait for any opening of yours. y aunts intellince ha given e hope,an i was eterine at once to know every thing.”

    “lay catherine has been of infinite use,which ought to ake her happy, for she loves to be of use.but tell e,what i you e own to herfiel for?was it erely to rie to longbourn an be ebarrasse? or ha you intene any ore serious conseence?”

    “y real purpose was to see you, an to ju, if i coul, whether i ight ever hope to ake you love e.y avowe one, or what i avowe to yself,was to see whether your sister were still partial to ngley,an if she were,to ake the confession to hi which i have since ae.”

    “shall you ever have coura to announce to lay catherine what is to befall her?”

    “i a ore likely to want ore tie than coura,elizabeth. but it ought to be one,an if you will give e a sheet of paper,it shall be one irectly.”

    “an if i ha not a letter to write yself,i ight sit by you an aire the evenness of your writing,as another young lay once i.but i have an aunt,too,who ust not be lonr neglecte.”

    fro an unwillingness to confess how uch her intiacy with r.arcy ha been over-rate,elizabeth ha never yet answere rs.gariners long letter;but now,having that to unicate which she knew woul be ost wele,she was alost ashae to fin that her uncle an aunt ha alreay lost three ays of happiness,an ieiately wrote as follows:

    “i woul have thanke you before,y ear aunt,as i ought to have one,for your long,kin,satisfactory,etail of particulars;but to say the truth,i was too cross to write.you suppose ore than really existe. but now suppose as uch as you choose;give a loose rein to your fancy,inul your iagination in every possible flight which the subject will affor,an unless you believe e actually arrie,you cannot greatly err.you ust write again very soon,an praise hi a great eal ore than you i in your last. i thank you, again an again, for not going to the lakes. how coul i be so silly as to wish it!your iea of the ponies is elightful.we will go roun the park every ay.i a the happiest creature in the worl.perhaps other people have sai so before, but no one with such justice. i a happier even than jane; she only siles,i laugh.r.arcy sens you all the love in the worl that he can spare fro e.you are all to e to peberley at christas.yours,etc.”

    r. arcys letter to lay catherine was in a ifferent style;an still ifferent fro either was what r.ben sent to r. collins,in reply to his last.

    “ear sir,

    “i ust trouble you once ore for congratulations. elizabeth will soon be the wife of r. arcy. console lay catherine as well as you can.but,if i were you,i woul stan by the nephew. he has ore to give.

    “yours sincerely,etc.”
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