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傲慢与偏见 第137章
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    “i a alost afrai of asking what you thought of e,when we et at peberley.you blae e for ing?”

    “no inee;i felt nothing but surprise.”

    “your surprise coul not be greater than ine in being notice by you.y conscience tol e that i eserve no extraorinary politeness, an i confess that i i not expect to receive ore than y ue.”

    “y object then,”replie arcy,“was to show you, by every civility in y power,that i was not so ean as to resent the past;an i hope to obtain your foiveness,to lessen your ill opinion, by letting you see that your reproofs ha been attene to.how soon any other wishes introuce theselves i can harly tell,but i believe in about half an hour after i ha seen you.”

    he then tol her of oianas elight in her acaintance,an of her isappointent at its suen interruption;which naturally leaing to the cause of that interruption,she soon learnt that his resolution of following her fro erbyshire in est of her sister ha been fore before he itte the inn,an that his gravity an thoughtfulness there ha arisen fro no other struggles than what such a purpose ust prehen.

    she expresse her gratitue again, but it was too painful a subject to each,to be welt on farther.

    after walking several iles in a leisurely anner,an too busy to know anything about it,they foun at last,on exaining their watches,that it was tie to be at hoe.

    “what coul bee of r. ngley an jane!”was a woner which introuce the iscussion of their affairs. arcy was elighte with their engaent; his frien ha given hi the earliest inforation of it.

    “i ust ask whether you were surprise?”sai elizabeth.

    “not at all. when i went away, i felt that it woul soon happen.”

    “that is to say, you ha given your perission. i guesse as uch.”an though he exclaie at the ter,she foun that it ha been pretty uch the case.

    “on the evening before y going to lonon,”sai he,“i ae a confession to hi,which i believe i ought to have ae long ago. i tol hi of all that ha occurre to ake y forer interference in his affairs absur an ipertinent. his surprise was great.he ha never ha the slightest suspicion.i tol hi, oreover,that i believe yself istaken in supposing,as i ha one,that your sister was inifferent to hi;an as i coul easily perceive that his attachent to her was unabate,i felt no oubt of their happiness tother.”

    elizabeth coul not help siling at his easy anner of irecting his frien.

    “i you speak fro your own observation,”sai she,“when you tol hi that y sister love hi, or erely fro y inforation last spring?”

    “fro the forer.i ha narrowly observe her uring the two visits which i ha lately ae here;an i was convince of her affection.”

    “an your assurance of it,i suppose,carrie ieiate conviction to hi.”

    “it i. ngley is ost unaffectely oest. his iffience ha prevente his epening on his own junt in so anxious a case, but his reliance on ine ae every thing easy. i was obli to confess one thing,which for a tie,an not unjustly, offene hi.i coul not allow yself to conceal that your sister ha been in town three onths last winter,that i ha known it, an purposely kept it fro hi. he was angry. but his anr, i a persuae,laste no lonr than he reaine in any oubt of your sisters sentients.he has heartily foiven e now.”

    elizabeth lon to observe that r.ngley ha been a ost elightful frien;so easily guie that his worth was invaluable;but she checke herself. she reebere that he ha yet to learn to be laughe at, an it was rather too early to begin. in anticipating the happiness of ngley,which of course was to be inferior only to his own,he continue the conversation till they reache the house.in the hall they parte.
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