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傲慢与偏见 第136章
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    “i was certainly very far fro expecting the to ake so strong an ipression.i ha not the sallest iea of their being ever felt in such a way.”

    “i can easily believe it.you thought e then evoi of every proper feeling,i a sure you i.the turn of your countenance i shall never foet,as you sai that i coul not have aresse you in any possible way that woul inuce you to accept e.”

    “oh! o not repeat what i then sai.these recollections will not o at all. i assure you that i have long been ost heartily ashae of it.”

    arcy entione his letter.“i it,”sai he,“i it soon ake you think better of e?i you,on reaing it,give any creit to its contents?”

    she explaine what its effect on her ha been, an how graually all her forer prejuices ha been reove.

    “i knew,”sai he,“that what i wrote ust give you pain, but it was necessary. i hope you have estroye the letter.there was one part especially,the opening of it,which i shoul rea your having the power of reaing again. i can reeber soe expressions which ight justly ake you hate e.”

    “the letter shall certainly be burnt,if you believe it essential to the preservation of y regar;but,though we have both reason to think y opinions not entirely unalterable, they are not, i hope,ite so easily chan as that iplies.”

    “when i wrote that letter,”replie arcy,“i believe yself perfectly cal an cool, but i a since convince that it was written in a reaful tterness of spirit.”

    “the letter,perhaps,began in tterness,but it i not en so. the aieu is charity itself.but think no ore of the letter.the feelings of the person who wrote,an the person who receive it, are now so wiely ifferent fro what they were then,that every unpleasant circustance attening it ought to be footten.you ust learn soe of y philosophy.think only of the past as its reebrance gives you pleasure.”

    “i cannot give you creit for any philosophy of the kin.your retrospections ust be so totally voi of reproach, that the contentent arising fro the is not of philosophy, but, what is uch better, of innocence. but with e, it is not so. painful recollections will intrue which cannot,which ought not,to be repelle.i have been a selfish being all y life,in practice,though not in principle.as a chil i was taught what was right,but i was not taught to correct y teper.i was given goo principles,but left to follow the in prie an conceit. unfortunately an only son (for any years an only chil), i was spoilt by y parents, who,though goo theselves(y father,particularly,all that was benevolent an aiable),allowe,encoura,alost taught e to be selfish an overbearing; to care for none beyon y own faily circle;to think eanly of all the rest of the worl;to wish at least to think eanly of their sense an worth pare with y own. such i was, fro eight to eight an twenty; an such i ight still have been but for you,earest,loveliest elizabeth! what o i not owe you!you taught e a lesson,har inee at first, but ost avantaous. by you, i was properly huble. i cae to you without a oubt of y reception.you showe e how insufficient were all y pretensions to please a woan worthy of being please.”

    “ha you then persuae yourself that i shoul?”

    “inee i ha.what will you think of y vanity?i believe you to be wishing,expecting y aresses.”

    “y anners ust have been in fault,but not intentionally,i assure you.i never eant to eceive you,but y spirits ight often lea e wrong.how you ust have hate e after that evening?”

    “hate you! i was angry perhaps at first, but y anr soon began to take a proper irection.”
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