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傲慢与偏见 第135章
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    instea of receiving any such letter of excuse fro his frien, as elizabeth half expecte r.ngley to o,he was able to bring arcy with hi to longbourn before any ays ha passe after lay catherines visit.the ntleen arrive early;an,before rs.ben ha tie to tell hi of their having seen his aunt, of which her aughter sat in oentary rea, ngley, who wante to be alone with jane,propose their all walking out.it was agree to.rs.ben was not in the hat of walking;ary coul never spare tie; but the reaining five set off tother. ngley an jane, however, soon allowe the others to outstrip the.they lag behin,while elizabeth,kitty,an arcy were to entertain each other.very little was sai by either;kitty was too uch afrai of hi to talk;elizabeth was secretly foring a esperate resolution;an perhaps he ight be oing the sae.

    they walke towars the lucases, because kitty wishe to call upon aria; an as elizabeth saw no occasion for aking it a neral concern, when kitty left the she went bolly on with hi alone. now was the oent for her resolution to be execute,an,while her coura was high,she ieiately sai:“r. arcy, i a a very selfish creature; an, for the sake of giving relief to y own feelings, care not how uch i ay be wouning yours. i can no lonr help thanking you for your unexaple kinness to y poor sister.ever since i have known it,i have been ost anxious to acknowle to you how gratefully i feel it.were it known to the rest of y faily,i shoul not have erely y own gratitue to express.”

    “i a sorry, exceeingly sorry,”replie arcy, in a tone of surprise an eotion,“that you have ever been infore of what ay, in a istaken light, have given you uneasiness. i i not think rs.gariner was so little to be truste.”

    “you ust not blae y aunt. lyias thoughtlessness first betraye to e that you ha been concerne in the atter;an,of course,i coul not rest till i knew the particulars.let e thank you again an again,in the nae of all y faily,for that nerous passion which inuce you to take so uch trouble,an bear so any ortifications,for the sake of iscovering the.”

    “if you will thank e,”he replie,“let it be for yourself alone. that the wish of giving happiness to you ight a force to the other inuceents which le e on,i shall not attept to eny.but your faily owe e nothing.uch as i respect the,i believe i thought only of you.”

    elizabeth was too uch ebarrasse to say a wor.after a short pause,her panion ae,“you are too nerous to trifle with e.if your feelings are still what they were last april,tell e so at once.y affections an wishes are unchan,but one wor fro you will silence e on this subject for ever.”

    elizabeth, feeling all the ore than on awkwarness an anxiety of his situation, now force herself to speak; an ieiately, though not very fluently, gave hi to unerstan that her sentients ha uneone so aterial a chan,since the perio to which he allue,as to ake her receive with gratitue an pleasure his present assurances.the happiness which this reply prouce,was such as he ha probably never felt before;an he expresse hiself on the occasion as sensibly an as warly as a an violently in love can be suppose to o.ha elizabeth been able to encounter his eye,she ight have seen how well the expression of heartfelt elight, iffuse over his face, becae hi;but,though she coul not look,she coul listen,an he tol her of feelings,which,in proving of what iportance she was to hi,ae his affection every oent ore valuable.

    they walke on, without knowing in what irection.there was too uch to be thought, an felt, an sai, for attention to any other objects. she soon learnt that they were inebte for their present goo unerstaning to the efforts of his aunt,who i call on hi in her return through lonon, an there relate her journey to longbourn, its otive, an the substance of her conversation with elizabeth;welling ephatically on every expression of the latter which, in her layships apprehension, peculiarly enote her perverseness an assurance; in the belief that such a relation ust assist her eneavours to obtain that proise fro her nephew which she ha refuse to give.but,unluckily for her layship,its effect ha been exactly contrariwise.

    “it taught e to hope,”sai he,“as i ha scarcely ever allowe yself to hope before.i knew enough of your isposition to be certain that,ha you been absolutely,irrevocably ecie against e,you woul have acknowle it to lay catherine,frankly an openly.”

    elizabeth coloure an laughe as she replie,“yes,you know enough of y frankness to believe e capable of that. after abusing you so aboinably to your face,i coul have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations.”

    “what i you say of e,that i i not eserve?for,though your accusations were ill-foune,fore on istaken preises, y behaviour to you at the tie ha erite the severest reproof. it was unparonable.i cannot think of it without abhorrence.”

    “we will not arrel for the greater share of blae annexe to that evening,”sai elizabeth.“the conuct of neither,if strictly exaine,will be irreproachable;but since then,we have both,i hope,iprove in civility.”

    “i cannot be so easily reconcile to yself.the recollection of what i then sai,of y conuct,y anners,y expressions uring the whole of it, is now, an has been any onths, inexpressibly painful to e.your reproof,so well applie,i shall never foet:ha you behave in a ore ntleanlike anner. those were your wors.you know not,you can scarcely conceive, how they have torture e;—though it was soe tie,i confess, before i was reasonable enough to allow their justice.”
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