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傲慢与偏见 第134章
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    “soething very uch to the purpose of course. he begins with congratulations on the approaching nuptials of y elest aughter, of which, it sees, he has been tol by soe of the goo-nature, gossiping lucases. i shall not sport with your ipatience,by reaing what he says on that point.what relates to yourself, is as follows: having thus offere you the sincere congratulations of rs.collins an yself on this happy event, let e now a a short hint on the subject of another;of which we have been avertise by the sae authority.your aughter elizabeth,it is presue,will not long bear the nae of ben, after her eler sister has resigne it,an the chosen partner of her fate ay be reasonably looke up to as one of the ost illustrious personas in this lan.

    “can you possibly guess, lizzy, who is eant by this?”this young ntlean is blesse, in a peculiar way, with every thing the heart of ortal can ost esire, —spleni property,noble kinre, an extensive patrona. yet in spite of all these teptations, let e warn y cousin elizabeth, an yourself, of what evils you ay incur by a precipitate closure with this ntleans proposals, which, of course, you will be incline to take ieiate avanta of.

    “have you any iea, lizzy, who this ntlean is? but now it es out:

    “y otive for cautioning you is as follows.we have reason to iagine that his aunt,lay catherine e bouh,oes not look on the atch with a frienly eye.

    “r. arcy, you see, is the an! now, lizzy, i think i have surprise you.coul he,or the lucases,have pitche on any an within the circle of our acaintance, whose nae woul have given the lie ore effectually to what they relate? r. arcy, who never looks at any woan but to see a bleish, an who probably never looke at you in his life!it is airable!”

    elizabeth trie to join in her fathers pleasantry,but coul only force one ost reluctant sile.never ha his wit been irecte in a anner so little agreeable to her.

    “are you not iverte?”

    “oh!yes.pray rea on.”

    “after entioning the likelihoo of this arria to her layship last night,she ieiately,with her usual conescension,expresse what she felt on the occasion;when it becae apparent,that on the score of soe faily objections on the part of y cousin,she woul never give her consent to what she tere so isgraceful a atch.i thought it y uty to give the speeiest intellince of this to y cousin,that she an her noble airer ay be aware of what they are about,an not run hastily into a arria which has not been properly sanctione.r.collins oreover as,i a truly rejoice that y cousin lyias sa business has been so well hushe up,an a only concerne that their living tother before the arria took place shoul be so nerally known.i ust not, however,neglect the uties of y station,or refrain fro eclaring y aazeent at hearing that you receive the young couple into your house as soon as they were arrie.it was an encouraent of vice; an ha i been the rector of longbourn, i shoul very strenuously have oppose it.you ought certainly to foive the, as a christian, but never to ait the in your sight, or allow their naes to be entione in your hearing.that is his notion of christian foiveness!the rest of his letter is only about his ear charlottes situation,an his expectation of a young olive-branch. but,lizzy,you look as if you i not enjoy it.you are not going to be issish,i hope,an preten to be affronte at an ile report. for what o we live,but to ake sport for our neighbours,an laugh at the in our turn?”

    “oh!”crie elizabeth,“i a excessively iverte. but it is so stran!”

    “yes—that is what akes it ausing. ha they fixe on any other an it woul have been nothing;but his perfect inifference, an your pointe islike, ake it so elightfully absur! uch as i aboinate writing, i woul not give up r. collinss corresponence for any consieration.nay,when i rea a letter of his,i cannot help giving hi the preference even over wickha, uch as i value the ipuence an hypocrisy of y son-in-law. an pray,lizzy,what sai lay catherine about this report?i she call to refuse her consent?”to this estion his aughter replie only with a laugh; an as it ha been aske without the least suspicion, she was not istresse by his repeating it. elizabeth ha never been ore at a loss to ake her feelings appear what they were not.it was necessary to laugh,when she woul rather have crie.her father ha ost cruelly ortifie her, by what he sai of r. arcys inifference,an she coul o nothing but woner at such a want of peration,or fear that perhaps,instea of his seeing too little, she ight have fancie too uch.
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