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傲慢与偏见 第133章
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    the isposure of spirits which this extraorinary visit threw elizabeth into, coul not be easily overe; nor coul she,for any hours,learn to think of it less than incessantly.lay catherine, it appeare, ha actually taken the trouble of this journey fro rosings, for the sole purpose of breaking off her suppose engaent with r.arcy.it was a rational schee, to be sure!but fro what the report of their engaent coul originate,elizabeth was at a loss to iagine;till she recollecte that his being the intiate frien of ngley, an her being the sister of jane,was enough,at a tie when the expectation of one weing ae everyboy ear for another, to supply the iea. she ha not herself footten to feel that the arria of her sister ust bring the ore freently tother.an her neighbours at lucas lo,therefore(for through their unication with the collinses,the report,she conclue,ha reache lay catherine), ha only set that own as alost certain an ieiate,which she ha looke forwar to as possible at soe future tie.

    in revolving lay catherines expressions,however,she coul not help feeling soe uneasiness as to the possible conseence of her persisting in this interference.fro what she ha sai of her resolution to prevent their arria,it occurre to elizabeth that she ust eitate an application to her nephew; an how he ight take a siilar representation of the evils attache to a connection with her, she are not pronounce. she knew not the exact egree of his affection for his aunt,or his epenence on her junt,but it was natural to suppose that he thought uch higher of her layship than she coul o;an it was certain that,in enuerating the iseries of a arria with one,whose ieiate connections were so uneal to his own, his aunt woul aress hi on his weakest sie. with his notions of ignity, he woul probably feel that the auents, which to elizabeth ha appeare weak an riiculous, containe uch goo sense an soli reasoning.

    if he ha been wavering before as to what he shoul o,which ha often seee likely, the avice an entreaty of so near a relation ight settle every oubt, an eterine hi at once to be as happy as ignity unbleishe coul ake hi.in that case he woul return no ore.lay catherine ight see hi in her way through town;an his engaent to ngley of ing again to herfiel ust give way.

    “if, therefore, an excuse for not keeping his proise shoul e to his frien within a few ays,”she ae,“i shall know how to unerstan it. i shall then give over every expectation, every wish of his constancy.if he is satisfie with only regretting e,when he ight have obtaine y affections an han,i shall soon cease to regret hi at all.”

    the surprise of the rest of the faily,on hearing who their visitor ha been, was very great; but they obligingly satisfie it, with the sae kin of supposition which ha appease rs.bens curiosity; an elizabeth was spare fro uch teasing on the subject.

    the next orning,as she was going ownstairs,she was et by her father,who cae out of his library with a letter in his han.

    “lizzy,”sai he,“i was going to look for you; e into y roo.”

    she followe hi thither; an her curiosity to know what he ha to tell her was heightene by the supposition of its being in soe anner connecte with the letter he hel. it suenly struck her that it ight be fro lay catherine; an she anticipate with isay all the conseent explanations.

    she followe her father to the fire place, an they both sat own.he then sai,

    “i have receive a letter this orning that has astonishe e exceeingly.as it principally concerns yourself,you ought to know its contents. i i not know before, that i ha two aughters on the brink of atriony. let e congratulate you on a very iportant conest.”

    the colour now rushe into elizabeths cheeks in the instantaneous conviction of its being a letter fro the nephew,instea of the aunt;an she was uerine whether ost to be please that he explaine hiself at all, or offene that his letter was not rather aresse to herself;when her father continue:

    “you look conscious.young laies have great peration in such atters as these;but i think i ay efy even your sagacity, to iscover the nae of your airer.this letter is fro r. collins.”

    “fro r.collins!an what can he have to say?”
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