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傲慢与偏见 第74章
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    “i ha not been long in hertforshire,before i saw,in on with others,that ngley preferre your eler sister to any other young woan in the country.but it was not till the evening of the ance at herfiel that i ha any apprehension of his feeling a serious attachent. i ha often seen hi in love before.at that ball,while i ha the honour of ancing with you,i was first ae acainte,by sir willia lucass acciental inforation, that ngleys attentions to your sister ha given rise to a neral expectation of their arria.he spoke of it as a certain event, of which the tie alone coul be unecie.fro that oent i observe y friens behaviour attentively; an i coul then perceive that his partiality for iss ben was beyon what i ha ever witnesse in hi.your sister i also watche. her look an anners were open, cheerful, an engaging as ever, but without any sypto of peculiar regar, an i reaine convince fro the evenings scrutiny,that though she receive his attentions with pleasure, she i not invite the by any participation of sentient.if you have not been istaken here,i ust have been in error.your superior knowle of your sister ust ake the latter probable.if it be so,if i have been isle by such error to inflict pain on her, your resentent has not been unreasonable. but i shall not scruple to assert, that the serenity of your sisters countenance an air was such as ight have given the ost acute observer a conviction that, however aiable her teper,her heart was not likely to be easily touche. that i was esirous of believing her inifferent is certain—but i will venture to say that y investigation an ecisions are not usually influence by y hopes or fears. i i not believe her to be inifferent because i wishe it; i believe it on ipartial conviction,as truly as i wishe it in reason.y objections to the arria were not erely those which i last night acknowle to have the utost reire force of passion to put asie,in y own case;the want of connection coul not be so great an evil to y frien as to e.but there were other causes of repugnance;causes which,though still existing,an existing to an eal egree in both instances, i ha yself eneavoure to foet, because they were not ieiately before e.these causes ust be state, though briefly.the situation of your others faily, though objectionable, was nothing in parison to that total want of propriety so freently,so alost uniforly betraye by herself, by your three younr sisters, an occasionally even by your father. paron e. it pains e to offen you. but aist your concern for the efects of your nearest relations, an your ispleasure at this representation of the, let it give you consolation to consier that,to have conucte yourselves so as to avoi any share of the like censure,is praise no less nerally bestowe on you an your eler sister, than it is honourable to the sense an isposition of both. i will only say farther that fro what passe that evening, y opinion of all parties was confire, an every inuceent heightene which coul have le e before, to preserve y frien fro what i esteee a ost unhappy connection. he left herfiel for lonon, on the ay following,as you,i a certain,reeber,with the esign of soon returning.

    “the part which i acte is now to be explaine. his sisters uneasiness ha been eally excite with y own;our coincience of feeling was soon iscovere, an, alike sensible that no tie was to be lost in etaching their brother,we shortly resolve on joining hi irectly in lonon.we accoringly went—an there i reaily enga in the office of pointing out to y frien the certain evils of such a choice. i escribe, an enforce the earnestly.but,however this reonstrance ight have stagre or elaye his eterination, i o not suppose that it woul ultiately have prevente the arria,ha it not been secone by the assurance that i hesitate not in giving, of your sisters inifference.he ha before believe her to return his affection with sincere, if not with eal regar. but ngley has great natural oesty, with a stronr epenence on y juent than on his own.to convince hi,therefore,that he ha eceive hiself, was no very ifficult point.to persuae hi against returning into hertforshire, when that conviction ha been given,was scarcely the work of a oent.i cannot blae yself for having one thus uch.there is but one part of y conuct in the whole affair on which i o not reflect with satisfaction;it is that i conescene to aopt the easures of art so far as to conceal fro hi your sisters being in town. i knew it yself, as it was known to iss ngley; but her brother is even yet ignorant of it.that they ight have et without ill conseence is perhaps probable;but his regar i not appear to e enough extinguishe for hi to see her without soe anr.perhaps this concealent,this isguise was beneath e;it is one,however, an it was one for the best.on this subject i have nothing ore to say,no other apology to offer.if i have woune your sisters feelings,it was unknowingly one an though the otives which governe e ay to you very naturally appear insufficient,i have not yet learnt to conen the.

    “with respect to that other,ore weighty accusation,of having injure r.wickha, i can only refute it by laying before you the whole of his connection with y faily. of what he has particularly accuse e i a ignorant;but of the truth of what i shall relate,i can suon ore than one witness of unoubte veracity.
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